Category Archives: Technical Writing

Checklist to Evaluate Technical Documentation Software

Identifying the right technical documentation software for your department can be overwhelming. To address this, the following checklist identifies some of the key criteria to consider when selecting technical documentation aka tech authoring software. The list is not exhaustive, but should give you a starting point to assess the products.

User Story – Writing Guidelines and Checklists

In this week’s technical writing tutorial, we look at how to write a user story. You can use these guidelines and checklists to refine your user stories, expand the material to help your readers understand the scenario, allow developers to code the requirement, and testers to ensure it meets the acceptance criteria. Let’s get started.

MadCap Flare: How to Update Stylesheets

In the Madcap world of Flare (yes, I promise never to say that again), you can use stylesheets to give your tech docs a real edge. For me, styles are one of the hidden secrets in Flare. So, if you plan to publish your tech docs to PDF, Web, or HTML5, a crash course in CSS […]